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Launching Beebuzz: The Buzz in Natural Skincare Products

We are thrilled to launch Beebuzz, a culmination of over a year's dedication and passion. Our journey began with an abundance of honey and beeswax, inspiring us to create a skincare line that brings the magic of ethical honeybee ingredients into your daily routine.

Every product we offer integrates an element from the honeybee world. From the richness of beeswax to nourishing honey extracts, our entire range is crafted give your skin the best from honeybees, while supporting these vital pollinators in the process.

Beeswax Body Butter: Meet our signature offering, a body butter enriched with beeswax. Recognised for its protective properties, beeswax deeply hydrates and sooths dry skin, ensuring lasting moisturisation. Experience its lush texture as it caresses your skin, rendering it supple, silky, and revitalised.

Body Wash with Honey Extracts: Stay tuned for our upcoming release, a body wash infused with honey extracts sourced from the distinguished Brittany black bees. Beyond just cleansing, it drenches your skin in the rejuvenating essence of pure honey.

Proudly Supporting Pollinators: Apart from crafting natural skincare products, Beebuzz is on a mission to make a difference. We donate 5% of every purchase to the British Beekeeping Association. This contribution directly funds crucial research into the well-being and survival of honeybees and other pollinators. Some of their projects include (2023):

  • Delving into the importance of trees for pollinators in urban landscapes. This insight could pave the way for more tree plantings to aid our fuzzy buzzers.

  • Studying the effects of land use on honeybee nutrition and health.

  • Understanding the potential risks pesticides pose to honeybees and their colonies.

Join The Buzz! We are more than just a brand; we're a movement. And we want you to be a part of it. Join The Buzz by signing up for exclusive subscription discounts and stay in the loop with the latest Beebuzz updates and innovations.

Help us create a buzz with Beebuzz. Dive into the world of natural skincare products that not only help your skin you but also support pollinators.

May the Buzz be with you.

The Beebuzz Team.

Beebuzz honeybee on sunflower.

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